Celebrate Halloween in style

Celebrate Halloween in style

Celebrate Halloween in style
Celebrate Halloween in style Celebrate Halloween in style Celebrate Halloween in style

Celebrate Halloween in style

Geplaatst op 29-10-2022 door Feire halloween med stil
Celebrate Halloween in style
Beautiful flowers, warm colors and tasty for autumn's big fright night? But yes! Although the children dress up as little monsters in screaming costumes, we must not forget that Halloween is originally about magic, celebration and memories.

Find pumpkins, baskets, old boxes, candles and lanterns, and use autumn flowers and leaves to create the right autumn atmosphere.

According to tradition, the distinction between "our" world and the ghost world of the night is almost obliterated on this one night of the year, 31 October. Hence the decoration with objects that symbolize death, black magic and monsters. Halloween originally originated in England and Ireland, but it is probably to a large extent the USA that has influenced the celebration we see in Norway. Today, it is almost standard procedure for children to dress up and go from door to door with a "trick or treat!" on the tongue, and receives sweets from more or less frightened people in the neighbourhood.

Flowers such as carnations, roses and hydrangeas in autumn colors are lovely on the autumn table. Use them together with branches with berries, autumn leaves, poplars and small decorative pumpkins, and feel free to use pine cones, chestnuts and any autumn vegetables you have.

Carl Berner also celebrates Halloween with flowers! Our shop is already overflowing with flowers in warm colors and decorative elements that add an extra edge to the celebration. Treat yourself to decorating a little in the autumn darkness! Play with combinations of red and orange, burgundy, purple and dark green, and feel free to use what you find in your own garden. You make the best decorations yourself, with pumpkins, chestnuts, apples, leaves and pine cones. Perhaps a couple of lanterns on the stairs will be nice, and a simple door wreath - which can be given its own Halloween touch with ribbons and flowers? It doesn't hurt to give the little candy monsters a warm welcome.


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