Tips and Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Flowers at Home

Tips and Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Flowers at Home

Tips and Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Flowers at Home
Tips and Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Flowers at Home Tips and Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Flowers at Home Tips and Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Flowers at Home

Tips and Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Flowers at Home

Geplaatst op 14-7-2023 door Tips og triks for å forlenge blomsternes levetid hjemme

After a pleasant trip to the flower shop or receiving a beautiful bouquet as a gift, we all want to enjoy the flowers for as long as possible. With some simple tips and tricks, you can extend the lifespan of the flowers and continue to appreciate their beauty even longer. Here are some helpful pieces of advice for taking care of the flowers once you arrive home.

  1. Proper Stem Cutting: When you arrive home, it's important to cut the stems correctly. Angled cuts work best as they increase the surface area for water uptake. Use sharp scissors or a knife and make angled cuts on the stems, approximately 2-3 centimeters from the bottom. Avoid flat cuts as they can limit water uptake.

  2. Remove the Leaves: Remove the leaves that would be submerged in water. Leaves in water can rot and contaminate the water, which can shorten the lifespan of the flowers.

  3. Use a Clean Vase: Make sure the vase you use is clean and free from dirt and bacteria. Rinse it thoroughly with warm water and a mild dish soap before filling it with fresh water.

  4. Water and Nutrition: Fill the vase with clean, lukewarm water and add plant food if it came with the bouquet. Follow the instructions for the proper dosage of plant food. Change the water every 2-3 days and add new plant food to keep the flowers fresh.

  5. Avoid Direct Sunlight and Drafts: Place the vase of flowers in a location that receives sufficient light but avoid direct sunlight. Also, avoid drafts as they can dry out the flowers more quickly.

  6. Keep the Flowers Cool: Flowers thrive best in a cooler environment. Avoid placing them near heat sources or in rooms with high temperatures.

  7. Remove Wilted Flowers: Remove wilted flowers from the bouquet as they begin to fade. This will maintain the energy of the remaining flowers and prolong the lifespan of the bouquet.

With these simple tips, you can extend the lifespan of your flowers and continue to enjoy their beauty for longer. Remember to cut the stems properly, change the water regularly, and provide the best conditions for the flowers to thrive. Enjoy your flowers and let them create a beautiful atmosphere in your home!

At Happyflower AS, we ensure that the flowers you purchase are already cleaned and properly cut. We also give them some water before you take them with you to ensure that you can enjoy your bouquet for as long as possible. At our shop, we take extra care to ensure that the flowers are ready to spread joy in your home!

carlbernerblomster, happyfloweroslo


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